By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see. Acts 3:16

The crowd is roaring with praise and the melodies are drifting in the air. I was so engulfed by the presence of God everything around me seemed to disappear. God melted me as I sang and worshipped with hundreds (if not thousands) of people in Austin, Texas.
On January 9th, 2021, my husband and I drove to Lady Bird Lake to attend a Let Us Worship concert event in the park. I was so excited because I missed the event in September that was held close to us due to a family engagement and so I was beyond thrilled to make it to this one! With covid-19 being such a damper on most plans for anything in the last year, this made my
spirit so happy, especially since two of the worship events I had planned in 2020 were canceled.
I’ve been following Sean Feucht for some time now on social media. I am so glad that someone with a voice and platform to make a difference is stepping up when the church has been so silent during a time of such need in our nation. This is the time more than ever the body of Christ needs to rally together and worship. The spirit of fear is over our nation and the church needs to come together to be the salt and light.

We checked the social media event and saw there was a venue change right as we were leaving our house. This is not surprising because this has happened before at other locations around the country. As we started to approach the park, sure enough, there were roadblocks to deter people from going. We safely got around them and found a perfect spot to park our car that wasn’t too far from our destination. About 10 seconds later a little red car parked behind our Jetta. I got out of the car and waited for my husband so we could start walking toward the park. Out of the red car pops a joyful and smiley man about our age (in his late twenties).
Without skipping a beat he says, “Why are you here?”
I respond with a smile and say, “We are going to the worship concert event in the park.”
He immediately beams with excitement and says, “Praise the Lord! So are we!”
My husband and I just smiled at each other because these kinds of interactions happen often to us. When you start following God fully, you will have amazing encounters and see God clearly in the little moments of life. We began walking all together towards the sounds of the music in the distance. I chatted back and forth with the guy for a minute until we were interrupted by a young boy across the street. He started shouting, “Hey! Can you help me carry in these groceries?”
A little surprised, we all say “Yes.” I stand there for a second to process everything. The happy gentleman starts walking toward the little moped bike before anyone else and starts grabbing bags of groceries to help. A middle-aged man (the dad of the boy), comes outside from the house and explains in broken English that they don’t actually need help. His son just didn’t want to do it. We all smile, have a quick laugh, and continue walking toward the music getting louder and clearer.
As we walk down the sidewalk, the cheerful guy asks me, “If you could ask God for anything, what would you ask Him for?”
I’m thrown off by this question. I was so in the zone of preparing myself to worship and just focus my mind, spirit, and body to be surrounded by the presence of God. It’s what my soul was craving, along with being in community with others worshipping our amazing God together in perfect harmony.
I replied with, “I really don’t want anything from God. I have everything I need and more.”
He grins and says, “Oh come on. There’s something you want from God. Everyone wants something. It could be more of Him. If He was standing right in front of you and you could ask Him for anything, what would you ask for?”

All my efforts for the last two years came flooding to my mind. The hundreds of pregnancy care boxes, women, children, and families we’ve given resources to. The promises God has given me and the vision for my organization flashed in my mind. The growing need in our communities because of covid-19 and the expansion of our adoption program and app as well have great
need. This time I responded with, “I would ask Him to help me get the grants I applied to for my nonprofit organization. We have a high need and this would allow us to give and help so many women, children, and families.”
Learn more about Adoption Finder
He immediately says, “Well let’s pray for that right now. God is going to do it for you!” He started praying with so much boldness and faith. It felt like time was slowed down for that moment and I was flooded with the Holy Spirit. It was just the inspiration and hope I needed. Many of you who work in the nonprofit or mission field understand this constant struggle with funding. Over the last few weeks, I have been hearing people say they feel good things are coming and funding is one of them. Regardless, I am honored and thankful for the opportunity to serve the Lord in this
realm and area of life.
By the time he’s done, we are almost the main gathering of people in the park. I tell him and his two friends thanks for the prayers again, to have a blast, and I’d see them again at some point. We parted ways and the music surrounded us with such uplifting sounds, flags majestically waving in the breeze, and the shouts of praise being lifted up to the heavens.

My husband said he was going to go take a walk and look at the water. I told him to have fun and I’d be there in the crowd worshipping. I just stood there taking it all in. My spirit was so full at that moment. I love worship music, singing to my savior, and doing it with others! What a sweet moment it was. I could feel God’s presence all around me. He loves that we gather to
worship Him and rightfully so! Everyone there sang their hearts out! It was amazing!
My husband surprised me with a Let Us Worship Hoodie. He felt led to give to their mission and also wanted me to have something to remember this day with. He is so thoughtful and it really meant a lot to me. You can give to their cause on their website. This helps them continue to bring worship to all parts of our country that need it the most! Let Us Worship Link

As we got deeper and deeper into worship, I found myself getting closer and closer to the stage.
I wanted to be right there in the front which is completely opposite of my normal routine, but it
felt like I couldn’t get enough. It felt like I was at home even though I was surrounded by
complete strangers and people I have never met before. My spirit felt so alive and so aligned
with God.
A pastor came on stage during a break in the worship and began to pray over people for healing and for God to do what only He can do. He mentioned breast cancer, sciatic nerve pain, eye floaters, and other symptoms people are dealing with that he felt led to pray for. He said raise your hand.
My husband looked at me and said, “You have those (eye floaters) don’t you?
I replied with, “Yeah” and raised my hand high, closed my eyes, and prayed with him. I believed
that if it was God’s will anything was possible. He finished praying over everyone and we
worshipped more.
They finished their last song and then there was a baptismal call for baptisms in the river right
next to the park. I wanted to say hi to one of the pastors I knew and then we were going to go
watch the baptisms. Baptism is one of my favorite things to witness for a few reasons. One being it is a public declaration of your choice to follow Jesus and two you really do feel different after in your spirit. It is a special intimate moment with the creator of the universe. It is a moment you know Jesus paid it all for you personally and coming out of the water feels so refreshing physically and spiritually.
After we went and talked to the pastor, we ran into the same 3 people that parked behind us.
I said, “hey again!”
They all said, “You said you’d see us again, and here you are.” We ended up praying together again in a circle behind the stage over our ministry, over deliverance for people, everyone there, our nation, and for marriages. It was a beautiful moment I will cherish.
We went and saw people get baptized with such bliss and joy! It was amazing! I’m so happy for everyone who made that choice. Many people accepted Christ that day as well! The line to get baptized was long and you know how much of an impact God made on those waiting to go in because the water was freezing! These new believers did not care. It was amazing and beautiful. What a celebration in heaven and on earth!
It was a great day of worship that impacted so many people. It was just the thing people’s spirits were longing for. 2020 has been challenging for all of us in some way, shape, or form. To be in the presence of God and worshiping with others brought a sense of “normalcy” to everyone around us including my husband and me.

The next day I woke up and all my eye floaters and the cloudiness in my eyes were completely gone. It has been over a week and my eyes feel so good. I still have to wear my glasses, but the foggy and distracting floaters are gone! I went to the event to worship God and didn’t expect anything like this, but I am so thankful! I believe in miracles and the power of bold faith! Praise the Lord!
Heaven came and collided with earth in the park. The Holy Spirit brought me back to how Jesus did ministry. It wasn’t in a big building or with fancy screens, it was in places like the park, on the streets, and in people’s homes.

Although 2020 has shifted how we have been able to gather and do church, it has been a huge blessing! The church has left the building! That is what God wants. Now we are seeing the new normal for the church for what it was intended, going out into our cities, communities, and in public and BEING THE CHURCH! It is beautiful and a great opportunity to bring Jesus to those who may never step foot in a church building.
God is moving and revival is here! We are living in the next great awakening in our country. The mundane, comfortable Christianity we have all experienced in the last decade is being shifted to a Jesus that breaks barriers and tears down walls to get to us. He is using what was meant for evil, fear, and destruction for redemption, hope, and healing.
Church are you ready?
Hebrews 10:23-25
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
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