Ornery Oliver Learns Fruit of the Spirit – Kindle


Sometimes dealing with our emotions and feelings are hard. In this fun story, a young boy named Oliver who has trouble with with his emotions and feelings, learns how to deal with them when his mother Grace teaches him the fruit of the spirit. As Oliver learns the fruit of the spirit, he starts to control his emotions by using the fruit of the spirit in different situations at school, home, and in public with other people. Some times we fail, but with practice it becomes easier to be kind, gentle, loving, patient, good, faithful, peaceful, and have self-control. Come adventure and learn about fruit of the spirit with Ornery Oliver!


Sometimes dealing with our emotions and feelings are hard. In this fun story, a young boy named Oliver who has trouble with with his emotions and feelings, learns how to deal with them when his mother Grace teaches him the fruit of the spirit. As Oliver learns the fruit of the spirit, he starts to control his emotions by using the fruit of the spirit in different situations at school, home, and in public with other people. Some times we fail, but with practice it becomes easier to be kind, gentle, loving, patient, good, faithful, peaceful, and have self-control. Come adventure and learn about  fruit of the spirit with Ornery Oliver!

Download your digital copy today! All proceeds go to continuing mission work and my organization Adoption Finder to support programs and services.

Paperback version coming soon!

Written & Illustrated by Heather Mellott


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