Alright y’all this is a cool story! My husband and I love trading and selling things. We do this all the time. We ended up changing up our living room, which meant we were ready to part with our giant, solid wood crate and barrel square coffee table we got thrifting....

You Only Live Forever – YOLF

Christians, I want to encourage you to remember this Y.O.L.F. – You Only Live Forever…Many of use are guilty of YOLO, but the Bible has clearly stated numerous time that we are to think “YOLF.” “ Life is sobering and short and life is eternally long.”...

Happy Valentine’s Day 2021

Happy Valentine’s Day! God put this on my heart this morning, so I wanted to share with you some thoughts about today. We all have seen what “love” and Valentine’s Day are supposed to look like. We see it on movies, commercials, read it in books, talked about it, and...

Praying in the Spirit is a Lifestyle

Something that is so overlooked in the church is equipping God’s people with the Armor of God. After our recent study of Ephesians, specifically chapter 6, God has made it apparent to us that this is so important to Him. That is why Paul talked about it and gave...